Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Me & My House

Hey friends!  I've got a new canvas to share with you today.  This is actually a canvas remix because it started out as another finished piece that I really wasn't too happy with.  So after thinking about it for awhile, I decided to go ahead and paint over it and this is the new finished piece.

This is the first house I've done and now I'm thinking I'd like to create a series of them.  So you'll probably see a few more over the course of the next month or two.  I get a little A.D.D sometimes and have to change things up because I get board.  Lately my focus has been on painting women because I've been trying to practice and get better at them but it was time for a break.

This is the original piece, I loved the message but wasn't happy with the overall design.  So I just started adding paint and sketching over it.

I started by adding my signature 3-D enamel swirls in a beautiful turquoise.

Next came the little house.  I just had to add a heart ;D

I added some subtle script to the base of the tree and home that reads, As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

I've also added The Lord is My Shepard randomly all over the canvas.

Thanks so much for joining me today!  Have a great one!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

New Batch of Bangles!

Happy Monday everyone!!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are enjoying the holiday season.  I was out peddling my wares at the SoFlo Holiday Market.  I had a great time, I always love connecting with new people and other local artists.  SoFlo has been such a blessing for me.  Here's a peek at my show set up.

I made a new batch of bangles for the show and just barely got them done in time so I didn't get to photograph.  I sold several of the new ones but I snapped some pics of these others this morning to share with you.

These are all new with the exception of the lavender bangle.  That one is from the previous batch but I'm keeping it here to add to Etsy.  In fact, I'll be adding all of these to my Etsy shop with the except for the black one.  That one is heading to Gracie's Genes.

Well friends, thanks so much for sharing a little piece of your day with me.  Have a BEAUTIFUL day!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Themed Thursday: Christmas Ornaments

Hi friends, I just have a really quick post for you today.  I just wanted to let you know about a couple of things.  First, it's my turn to post over on the Paper Wings Productions blog and I'm sharing a couple of handmade Christmas ornaments.  Here's a peak at one of them:

Secondly, I wanted to tell you about the sale that Society6 is having on throw pillows.

Society6 Days of Christmahanukwanza - Day 5 - $6 Off All Pillows!Shine Throw Pillow
Pick up this pillow for just $14.00.  Please note, discounted price will show up once you've placed an item in your cart.  Here is the link to my Society6 store:  Little Honey Bee Studios

Thanks so much for stopping by today and have a BEAUTIFUL day!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Shine - Mixed Media Canvas

Merry Christmas everyone!  I hope this finds you nice and warm.  Yesterday was a bit of a struggle for me so I got into the studio to relieve some stress.  Being creative is the best medicine in the whole world, don't you think?  Well it is for me and my soul was in need of it.  Don't get me wrong, we're all good here but sometimes (certain times of the month) I'm a bit of a mess over things that don't even matter.  Hopefully you can relate, lol.  Anyway, enough venting right!  I pulled out an old canvas that I never finished.  This one has been sitting here for months.  I had a vision for it but it didn't work out so I benched it.  So whenever I need to relieve some creative steam, the unfinished pieces are the ones I reach for and this is what I came up with:

This is an 8x10 canvas that I applied a layer of crackle paste to and then debossed into.  It was an experiment and it didn't really turn out like I thought it would so that's why I never finished it. I framed the edges using 3-D enamels, love that stuff.

Since I was feeling a bit down, I started researching angels and I found this beautiful image of a child angel.  I began sketching with the little girl in mind but of course it was my character that appeared.  It's funny how we all have different women that always appear in our artwork.  I may change the hair and eye color but they all have the same characteristics.

All of my canvases tell a story of what I'm going through and this one is no different but I'll keep it to myself so you can find your own meaning.

We all have something we're passionate about, a fire that burn inside but sometimes we need a little encouragement to let it out: I know that your's will Shine so brilliant it will be blinding.  I didn't plan on this quote but if found me as I dug through me stash and just seemed so perfect.

This piece is a mixed of crackle paste, acrylic paints, sketching, stamping, markers, pens and rubons.

It's loaded with rich texture and beautiful layers.

Thank you so much for joining me today and don't forget to let you light SHINE bright for the world to see.

HUGZ and Blessings to you all <3

Friday, December 6, 2013

PWP Winter Blog Hop & Giveaway!

WELCOME to Paper Wing Productions' Winter Design Team Blog Hop & Giveaway! If you've arrived here from Katie's blog, then you're in the right place.  If you’re just stopping by for a visit, please CLICK HERE to start from the beginning.

This month our theme is Winter.  So grab something warm, get comfortable and enjoy the hop. 

The main prize is a $25.00 gift certificate to the Paper Wings Productions online store.

For a chance to win all you need to do is:

  • be a follower of the Paper Wings Productions blog
  • visit each of the participating designer's blogs and leave a comment
  • come back and leave us a comment on the PWP blog telling us you completed the hop.
To increase your chances of winning: like our Facebook page and/or invite your friends to the hop.  Be sure to leave a separate comment for each of your additional entries. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, Dec 10th, 2013 on the Paper Wings Productions blog.

Today I have a sweet little Winter Princess to share with you.  I think she would look beautiful on a mantel or in a little girls room inside a glass globe.

If you follow me on FB, then you probably saw this pic.  It was this light bulb that inspired my design.  I recently replaced several of the light bulbs in my studio and being the pack rat recycler that I am, I saved them.  I thought that I could probably make something with them.  So when I started thinking about my project, I kept looking at this bulb sitting on my self and then it hit me.  It looks like a dress!!  So I found a small piece of cardboard tube from my junk pile stash and glued it to the top.  The tube works to elongate the bodice and cover up the bulb's prongs.  Then I started looking at my stamps and had another AH-HA moment, the tree looks like a skirt!!  So that was my jumping off point and I ran with it :D  Let me show you how I put her together:

She needed a base so I used an empty spool of ribbon, a sheet from a chipboard mini album, foam, lace trim and scrapbook paper.

I painted the chipboard with Gesso then stamped/embossed it with one of the snowflake stamps.  Next I filled the empty spool with foam, topped it with paper and attached the lace trim.  With that she was ready to take her place of honor.

I used Prismacolor pencils and Stickles to color and embellish my princess.  Since my dress is three dimensional and she is two dimensional, I had room to embellish behind her.  So I used the beautiful leaves and postcard stamp.  Then I tucked in a piece of the ribbon from the Nov Nesting Components kit and some more snowflakes.  

Since I ended up covering the "tree skirt", I decided to add another one front and center.  I also added a wooden tree that I dyed with Lindy's spray ink, flowers and a sentiment glued onto an old key.  The Shakespeare quote is on the Waves of Magic stamp set and is attached to a beautiful winter scene but I just wanted the quote so I cut it out.

You'd never know that this beautiful little princess started out as an old light bulb and empty ribbon spools, lol.  I hope I've inspired you to get creative with your stamps and upcycle something that you might have thrown away.

It's time to send you off to your next stop so head on over to Carrie's Blog!!

***Here is the complete line up just in case you get lost along the way***

Paper Wings Productions Blog “The Aviary­ -



Let Your Creativity Take Flight!

Project manager account expired/blocked

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Every Saint...

Hey there!  I hope you all are doing well.  Thanks so much for the feedback on my compact mirrors.  I really appreciate your help :D  Today I have some art journaling to share.  This is a sketch I did a little over a month ago and I just hadn't had the time to work on again.  Last night I had some time and I had been thinking about what I wanted her to say so I really wanted to finish her up.

This is actually a hybrid page because I added the wording digitally.  She is my original drawing and there was some stamping already on my page.  She looks kinda mischievous to me, like she has a story to tell.  So I thought this quote was perfect for her.  It's one of my favs and I've been wanting to use it for sometime now.

Here's a look at the raw sketch :D

I used acrylic paints to color her in.  She's in my Dylusions art journal so I had to be real careful with my shading.  I didn't prime my paper so when I was trying to blend, the paper started to fall apart.  Otherwise the blending would have been a lot smoother but it's okay, it still works.

For hair, I used markers and Dylusions inks.  This is a look at the page without the sentiment.  I'll be adding this "Saint" to my collection of Little Honey Bee productions in the the near future.  Hopefully I'll get a chance to create on canvas again soon.

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the PWP Winter Blog Hop!  Thanks for stopping by and have a BEAUTIFUL day!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Joy to the World

Happy Wednesday!  Today is my turn to post on the PWP blog and I'm sharing a Christmas ornament that I created from an old gift card tin.

I hope you'll stop by and check it out: Joy to the World

I also wanted to share the new compact mirrors that I'm working on.  I thought I was done with them but then realized that I needed to add something to the back too, lol.

The inside has a mirror on both sides and the tops are copies of one of mixed media canvases.  I used resin to seal them.  I'm debating whether to use an image on the backside or my logo.  I don't know, I will probably add my logo.  What do you think?  So far I've made six of these and I have more projects in the works ;D

Thanks so much for joining me today and have a beautiful day!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

New Bangles!

Hey everyone, I've got a new batch of bangles to share!  If the brightly colored Frida bangles were not your thing then maybe these softer colors are for you.

Each bangle offers words of inspiration from Dr. Seuss to Shakespeare.

Right now these are only available at Gracie Gene's so if you're interested in one just drop me a line and we can work something out.  Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Have a Wonderful Day :D

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Holiday Greetings!

Hello my sweet bloggie friends and creative soul sisters!  I hope you all are enjoying a fantastic holiday weekend.  It's been a little while since I've blogged so I thought I should fill you in on the happenings of my little slice of the world.  I have been an extremely busy lil bee :D  Over the last couple of weeks, I've busy getting ready for the launch of new Little Honey Bee products lines for a local boutique.  I also participated in my first cultural arts gallery show at the Centro Cultural Aztlan here in San Antonio.

This was my set up for Zonarte in the Centro Cultural Aztlan Art Gallery.   It was a wonderful experience and I was able to connect with even more of my local artist community.

As soon as I torn down at Zonarte, it was time to set up at Gracie Gene's Boutique.

This sweet little boutique held it's grand opening yesterday and I'm thrilled to be a part of it.  Gracie Gene's Boutique is located in the beautiful Braken Village area which is known for it's fabulous boutiques.

I'm honored to be one of their featured designers!  My new line of notebooks, bangles, greeting and note cards along with artist prints and original canvas works of art are available for purchase here.

The cards are exclusive to Gracie Gene's Boutique but if you're interested in them, you can always PM me on Facebook.  I've been working on new canvases, compact mirrors that feature my artwork and more bangles so stayed tuned!!  Thanks for joining me today, enjoy the rest of your weekend and remember it's SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY so shop small and support your local and online small business community!  Here are links to some of my small business friends, so go show them some love and tell them I sent you :D

Paper Wings Productions: We are having a Black Friday sale on our website through Sunday December 1, 2013.  Enter the code BLACK when you check out for 25% off your entire purchase.  Go shop now!

and of course 

Have a Beautiful Day!!!!!

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