Hello my sweet bloggie friends!! Boy summer flew by didn't it?! My summer was consumed with keeping the boy occupied. I spent my days carting him from Kumon to scouts then music lessons and band practice. We spent a lot of time camping and managed to squeeze in a couple of beach trips and short weekend getaways. I was able to get in a little creative time but not much.
Today is our first day back to school so I'm hopeful that I'll have some more time to create. One can hope right?! The truth is that my schedule will probably be just as busy because we still have the same schedule as summer except everything is happening in the evenings now and we also have to make time for homework. Oh well, the boy is totally worth it!!

I do have to get to work though because I have to get ready for my Fall shows. First up is The Peddler's Show. I'll be set up at the San Antonio Peddler's Show at the Freeman Expo Hall on Sept 5th -7th.

After that, I'll be set up at Market Days @ Encino Park on Oct 4th - 5th. Look for me inside the Banquet Hall.

I hope to squeeze the Soflo Market in there too. So with only 2wks left til my first show, I have lots to do to make sure I'm ready. I like to get completely set up at home before each show so I know exactly what I need to take and where everything is gonna go.

It's become sorta a ritual for me, lol. It really does help during set up though. My set up is always changing as I continue to try and improve.

New for my upcoming show is a sales counter and an actual cash register. I'm really excited about that :D. I'll share pics as that begins to come together. I will probably start doing my mock set up this week so I have plenty of time to go get anything I need.
I'm also gonna work on getting more of my items listed in my Etsy shop, LittleHoneyBeeStudio. I don't have any of my necklaces or key fobs listed on there right now. I have seasonal items that I'd like to add too.

I 'd like to finish reorganizing my studio and create new art of course. So there is tons to do, I better get off this computer and start working, lol.

Thanks for joining me today, have a fantastic day!!!