Monday, April 30, 2012


Hello Friends!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend :D  I'll tell you all about mine in just a minute but first here is a layout from our trip to Universal:

My son LOVES cars so he wanted to take pics with every single car on display.  I seem to have a problem narrowing down the photos I want to scrap so I tend to use a lot on my layouts.  I've got a total of seven on this bad boy :D  I wanted to keep the colors simple since the cars are so colorful.  I found the NASCAR image online and printed it out on photo paper.  The blank and white checker pattern is part of the downloaded image.

"Friends along the way" is also a downloaded font that I printed out.  I hope you're able to read the journaling on the photo.  This nice lady was trying to take her photo and my bratty son ran up to take his pic.  Believe me, his Dad and I told him to get out of the photo but the boy would not move!  We were starting to get upset with him so she gracious invited to share the pic with her.

Okay, on to our weekend!  My DH had to go out of town on business so we all decided to tag along.  We had a great time and packed a lot of fun into a day and a half.  I was trying to get on here to do some blog reading on the drive but my mobile network was giving me a hard time.  I opened a window from my dashboard to read a blog and leave a comment but somehow I ended up on somebody else's blog.  It was some who was also leaving a comment.  Anyway, I looked around the new blog and decided to follow.  I left a comment and let them know I was a new follower but when I closed the window...........I realized I was on someone else's blog!  So if I left a message on your blog calling you Millie, I'm so sorry!  It was my laptop and mobile network fighting each other and making my life miserable, lol.  After that little mishap, I decided to leave blogger alone until I got back home.
Well, I have to run.  My house is starting to look a mess and I need to run to the store to get a few things for the week.  Thanks to everyone who stopped by over the weekend and took the time to leave me a comment! :D  I plan on catching up on my blog reading tonight. 
Have a wonderful day!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Lost Continent

Hello friends, I've got another layout from our trip to Universal Studios for you today:
I downloaded the for the title and used some Once upon a time velum.  Super simple layout here, nothing fancy at all but I'm still pretty happy with the way it turned out :D


Thanks for all your lovely comments about my four legged babies :D  They mean the world to us!
@Melissa, no we're not breeders but we did breed our dogs last fall.  They are our family pets and it was one time breeding. 
@Kayla Renee, they definitely keep me busy!  I have this sign shaped like a dog bone that reads, "Today's agenda: Take Dog Out, Bring Dog In".  I feel like so much of my day is taken up with taking my babies out, feeding them, taking them out again and bring them back in, then repeat, lol.  It can be so exhausting sometimes.  We live on two acres and have one acre reserved for the dogs.  This area is fenced in for them to run and play but I still have to walk them out there and make sure they have plenty of water while they're out playing.
@Melissa, Baby is totally in charge.  They all step away from the food bowl when she comes around, lol.
@Tanya, Happy Birthday to Griffin!!  Ours ABs are more of the Johnson type.  I really love this breed, they can get such a bad rap just because of their appearance but they are total companion dogs and love their families so much.  We have never had a problem with our babies, they are all so sweet and love on everyone that comes around.   I'm gonna have to look for pics of Griffin on your blog :D

Take care everyone, hope I didn't bore you with my doggie talk!  I really am a HUGE dog lover and my four legged babies mean the world to me.  Thank you for all your nice comments!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Our Four Legged Babies :D

I'd like to introduce you to our four legged babies.  We have three American Bulldogs and one Miniature Dachshund

This beautiful lady is Bella Tianna and she just turned 4yrs old this month.  She was flown to us from CA when she was a pup.  Her Great Grandfather is Sure Grip's Rattler, AKA Chance from Disney's Homeward Bound. Bella is just as sweet as she is beautiful.

This big bad boy is Lucky Domino.  He turned 4yrs old on Valentine's Day.  He may look big and mean but he is a total Mama's Boy :D

This is Sandy and she is our latest addition to the family.  She's 5 1/2 months old and she is Domino & Bella's baby girl.  Sandy was the runt of the litter and my son fell in love with her the day she was born.  He would go in every chance he had, get her out of the whelping box and just love on her.

This is Sandy at 8 wks, isn't she just beautiful!

This is my son and his girl :D

This is Baby and don't let her little 8lb body fool you, she runs the roost!  She is 7yrs old and is a real character.  She loves being outside sniffing for squirrels.  It's so funny cuz they drop nuts on her head all the time and she starts looking all around but never look up, lol.  Oh and she climbs trees, yup trees and she's fallen off before too.  Thankfully she wasn't seriously hurt.  I've even had to get her down from a tree with a ladder.  Well that's our whole doggie family, thanks for stopping by and meeting the kids :D

Discover - Universal Studios

I've got part deux of our Jurassic Park experience at Universal Studios in Florida:
For this layout I stuck with the torn edges and camo pattern paper but choose orange for the anchor color to match the accent colors of the jeep.  I cut my title with my handy dany Cricut :D 

My son had a blast at the Discovery Center just playing and learning from all of their cool exhibits.  Well, gotta run ;D  My DH came back into town last night so we enjoyed some good family time and today we're gonna try to take it easy and spend some more time together before he has to head out again. 
Take Care :D

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lets Celebrate!

Morning!  I've got a quick post for you today of a card I made for a friend's birthday:
I used my scraps and cut out the scalloped circles behind the flower with my Cricut.  I've got pop dots under both flowers to add some dimension and "Let's Celebrate" is from a stamp.

I try to get my posts ready at night so they're ready to go live at 5am central time but last night after dinner I decided to relax with a little drink. ;D  Then I started watching the Real Housewives of OC while I was waiting for the final episode of the Atlanta Housewives Reunion to come on.  I missed it on Sunday so I really wanted to see it :D  Anyway, I thought I'd have some down time today, but my DH is already calling with a list of things he needs me to do :(  So I better get to work, I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

Oh, I almost forgot!  I'm glad you all liked the photo of my DH in the Jurassic Park layout.  He is super silly and I have a ton of pics of him cutting up while we were on vacation.  I still need to scrap the pics we took with the Power Rangers, he had EVERYONE cracking up with his antics!!  OK, now I really have to get to work cuz he's calling...........I'm sure to see if I've started on my to do list, lol.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Jurassic Park

Well I added a little to my painting last night but it's still not even close to being done.  So..... I thought I'd share a layout with you instead but if you look to the left, you can see a little bit of my painting ;D (You guys were so much fun yesterday with my TEENY TINY teaser, your comments had me crackin up! :D)

 This is a super simple layout. 
I used a piece of 12x12 cardboard from the back of one of my sets and then adhered two strips of pattern paper.  Of course you know I had to tear them cuz I just LOVE doing that :D  Next I downloaded a Jurassic Park free font and printed on cardstock, torn around it and inked the edges.

I added all of the text on my pics in Photoshop, printed and mounted them on torn mats.  I made a pocket for my journaling tag and added ribbons.  I always try to use at least three different ones to add interest.  Finally, to finish out the layout, I added the palm tree rubon.  
That's for today.....HASTA MANANA!! (until tomorrow)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Painting :D

I started a new painting last night and here is a sneak peak:

This is just a small piece of my canvas because  I don't wanna give away too much.  I've had an idea of what I wanted to paint for a few days and finally got a chance to start working on it last night.  So we'll see if I can produce what is in my minds eye ;D  Stay tuned to see the finished piece!! 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Japanese Tea Gardens

The weekend went by so fast didn't it!?  My DH and son had to work again this weekend so we really didn't get to do to much so today I thought I share a few pics from another one of San Antonio's treasures.  This is the Japanese Tea Gardens, I only snapped a few pics here so there is so much more to them.  It's one of photographers favorite spots for portraits.

Even though I was home, I didn't get in the studio to create.  Instead I caught up on my blog reading and did a couple of hops and saw a lot of really great projects.  Well, gotta go!  It's my DH's first day off & in town for awhile so we're gonna enjoy some family time.  Have a beautiful day & thanks so much for stopping by today :D

Saturday, April 21, 2012


FIESTA officially kicked of this week & the whole city is in PARTY mode for the next two weeks!  So I thought I'd share some pics from one of our favorite FIESTA events.  These pics are from The Taste of New Orleans, the have jazz music, drinks, games and of course CAJUN food!

We love going down for the music and FOOD.  Gotta get some gator on a stick every year ;D

This is the REY FEO and his court.  We party hard during FIESTA but all the money goes back into the community through charities.  Click on any of the links for more info on SAN ANTONIO's biggest party!!
Hope you have a great weekend!

2012 Fiesta Poster

Friday, April 20, 2012

You're a Rock Star

Happy Friday!!!!!!  Today I'm sharing a little card I threw together using my scraps.

I cut some cardstock to form the card then just went through my scrap piles to find papers that would work.  I used a stamp for Rock Star and embossed it, then cut it out, adhered it to a blue scrap and repeated on the green.  I used a star brad backed with a tiny piece of the green paper.  I inked all my edges and added faux stitching around the stars to finish it all off.

Thanks so much for stopping by today and for all the nice comments on the mixed media piece I shared yesterday.  Reading them really lifted my spirits :D

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thank God!!

I can't even begin to tell you just how incredibly HAPPY I am right now!  I FINALLY got a chance to create again :D  It's amazing how healing ART truly is to the soul. 
Well, this is my finished canvas:

This is the piece I shared yesterday that I started three weeks ago.  I began with a base coat of Liquitex Soft Body Acrylic, tissue paper, transferred book text and stamps.

I really want my pieces to be inspirational so I always say something on my art.  For this canvas, I wrote what I needed to remember in order to keep me focused on the positive things in my life.  It reads

"Appreciate each and every moment you have,
for every second and every breath,

Now I'm off to Homestead to restock my shop, hopefully I have some empty spots to fill.  I haven't had a chance to go out there in two week, YIKES!
Have a WONDERFUL day & THANKS for stopping by!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mixed Media Canvas

It's been almost three weeks since I started working on this 11x14 canvas.
I was doing really great and my mojo was flowing but then life got in the way.  I had to stop and take care of business (boo) for the last three weeks I've tried not to glance over at my unfinished canvas.  The days have been long and our home life turned upside down because my DH is still having to travel most of the week.  However, I do see the light at the end of the tunnel as we begin to adjust to our new routine and I've actually been able to start doing a little blog surfing in the evenings.  Who knows, maybe TODAY will be my lucky day and I'll get to play with my paints again........we'll see!! 
Thank you so much for stopping by today :D

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


"Start by doing what's necessary,
then what's possible,
and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
St. Francis of Assisi

I hope you're having a wonderful day!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Finally Catching a Break!

I'm so happy to finally be catching a break from all the work we've had over the last couple of weeks.  Things are still super busy for my husband out in the field but all my back office stuff is calming down for a bit.  So I'm sitting here trying to decide if I wanna organize my art supplies, paint or just catch up on reading all of your blogs.  I feel like I'm so behind on all the fun stuff, lol.  Well, I think I might just relax and watch the last Atlanta Housewives episode to recharge the old batteries.  Yup, doing nothing sounds really good right now :D  I'll be back in full force real soon ;D.  TTYL!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hey Diddle Dee!

This is my final post for Disney Week, I've had so much fun sharing my vacation photos with you and loved reading all of your comments.

Janis, thanks so much for putting this all together!

Feel free to click around our Disney Week Team and see what everyone is up to this week! This is not a blog hop. You can click on any name in the list at any time during the week to see their Disney Week posts! Have fun! Thanks for stopping by!

1. Janis  10. Jenny  19. Susan  
2. Lucy  11. Linda  20. Heather Lynn  
3. Letilia  12. Nicole  21. Jessica  
4. Christel  13. Heather  22. Michelle  
5. Michelle  14. Michelle  23. Gaby  
6. Amanda  15. Patti  24. Norma  
7. Elaine  16. Schell  25. Tess  
8. Nicolette  17. Caleb  
9. Shawn  18. Sharon  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Family Fun Day

Wow, I can't believe Disney Week is going so fast.  I've been glued to my computer working for the last three days and I am so tired of it!  I'm itching to get back to creating but the bills have to get paid so my hobbies will just have to wait for things to slow back down.......  Anyway, I guess that's enough whining!  Today, I have another layout for you:
For this layout, I wanted to do something a little different for me so I started with a plain white sheet of cardstock.  I did a little stamping and added a scrap of red cardstock.  I really wanted to include a lot of photos from the parade on my layout but the images were just to busy so I decided the best thing to do was print them in black/white.  This allowed me to keep the focus on my main image and keep the layout simple.  Well break time is over so I better get back to work, take care!!


Feel free to click around our Disney Week Team and see what everyone is up to this week! This is not a blog hop. You can click on any name in the list at any time during the week to see their Disney Week posts! Have fun! Thanks for stopping by!

1. Janis  10. Jenny  19. Susan  
2. Lucy  11. Linda  20. Heather Lynn  
3. Letilia  12. Nicole  21. Jessica  
4. Christel  13. Heather  22. Michelle  
5. Michelle  14. Michelle  23. Gaby  
6. Amanda  15. Patti  24. Norma  
7. Elaine  16. Schell  25. Tess  
8. Nicolette  17. Caleb  
9. Shawn  18. Sharon  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Aloha Cuz!

Disney Week, Post #5
I used LYB for this fun layout and cut out "Aloha" with my Cricut.
Stitch was a lot of fun but we didn't like the 4-D ride at all, lol. 
Gotta run, until next time!!
Thank you for all the nice comments!!!!!

Feel free to click around our Disney Week Team and see what everyone is up to this week! This is not a blog hop. You can click on any name in the list at any time during the week to see their Disney Week posts! Have fun! Thanks for stopping by!

1. Janis  10. Jenny  19. Susan  
2. Lucy  11. Linda  20. Heather Lynn  
3. Letilia  12. Nicole  21. Jessica  
4. Christel  13. Heather  22. Michelle  
5. Michelle  14. Michelle  23. Gaby  
6. Amanda  15. Patti  24. Norma  
7. Elaine  16. Schell  25. Tess  
8. Nicolette  17. Caleb  
9. Shawn  18. Sharon  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy Life!

Post #4 of Disney Week! 
This is a layout of us having some fun on the rides at Disney World and my DH was being SILLY as usual.  The quote I used reads:
It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them~~Agatha Christie
I added a little stitching around the quote and a red rubon to draw the eye in. 

I added the dots on the right hand side with a foam stamp.
Thanks for stopping by & Have a Wonderful Day!!

Feel free to click around our Disney Week Team and see what everyone is up to this week! This is not a blog hop. You can click on any name in the list at any time during the week to see their Disney Week posts! Have fun! Thanks for stopping by!

1. Janis  10. Jenny  19. Susan  
2. Lucy  11. Linda  20. Heather Lynn  
3. Letilia  12. Nicole  21. Jessica  
4. Christel  13. Heather  22. Michelle  
5. Michelle  14. Michelle  23. Gaby  
6. Amanda  15. Patti  24. Norma  
7. Elaine  16. Schell  25. Tess  
8. Nicolette  17. Caleb  
9. Shawn  18. Sharon  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Boys Will be Boys - Pinocchio

I'm having so much fun going through all the pics of our last trip to Disney World, I can't believe how much my son has grown since then....time goes by way too fast doesn't it. 

For this layout I used LYB and inked the edges with blue.  The yellow strip is from my scrap pile;  I thought it was a good way to tie in the yellow in Pinocchio's hat and vest.  I hope your enjoying every one's wonderful Disney projects, I know I am! 

Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my Buzz Lightyear layout, I loved reading them all!!  I'll be back tomorrow with more Disney :D

Feel free to click around our Disney Week Team and see what everyone is up to this week! This is not a blog hop. You can click on any name in the list at any time during the week to see their Disney Week posts! Have fun! Thanks for stopping by!

1. Janis  10. Jenny  19. Susan  
2. Lucy  11. Linda  20. Heather Lynn  
3. Letilia  12. Nicole  21. Jessica  
4. Christel  13. Heather  22. Michelle  
5. Michelle  14. Michelle  23. Gaby  
6. Amanda  15. Patti  24. Norma  
7. Elaine  16. Schell  25. Tess  
8. Nicolette  17. Caleb  
9. Shawn  18. Sharon  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, April 9, 2012

To Infinity & Beyond!

Post #2 of Disney Week: Today is all about Buzz! 

I love the bright colors of this layout.  I was able to find some really great alien paper and stickers that were just perfect for Buzz.  I also used some scraps of orange paper and inked all the edges to finish it off. 
Thank you for stopping by, be sure to visit all my Disney Week friends!!

Feel free to click around our Disney Week Team and see what everyone is up to this week! This is not a blog hop. You can click on any name in the list at any time during the week to see their Disney Week posts! Have fun! Thanks for stopping by!

1. Janis  10. Jenny  19. Susan  
2. Lucy  11. Linda  20. Heather Lynn  
3. Letilia  12. Nicole  21. Jessica  
4. Christel  13. Heather  22. Michelle  
5. Michelle  14. Michelle  23. Gaby  
6. Amanda  15. Patti  24. Norma  
7. Elaine  16. Schell  25. Tess  
8. Nicolette  17. Caleb  
9. Shawn  18. Sharon  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Disney Week is HERE!

Happy Easter everyone & THANK YOU so much for all the Birthday wishes yesterday :D I hope you're having a WONDERFUL day on this beautiful Easter.
Today we are also kicking off Disney week!! Heather Lynn, thank you so much for inviting me to participate in all the fun! I'm starting the week off with a Tiger layout from our FAVORITE charater breakfast spot 1900 Park Fare at the beautiful Grand Floridian:

Be sure to stop by and visit all my friends who are participating in Disney Week!!
Have a Blessed Day!!

Feel free to click around our Disney Week Team and see what everyone is up to this week! This is not a blog hop. You can click on any name in the list at any time during the week to see their Disney Week posts! Have fun! Thanks for stopping by!

1. Janis  10. Jenny  19. Susan  
2. Lucy  11. Linda  20. Heather Lynn  
3. Letilia  12. Nicole  21. Jessica  
4. Christel  13. Heather  22. Michelle  
5. Michelle  14. Michelle  23. Gaby  
6. Amanda  15. Patti  24. Norma  
7. Elaine  16. Schell  25. Tess  
8. Nicolette  17. Caleb  
9. Shawn  18. Sharon  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, April 7, 2012


It's my BIRTHDAY and I'll take a break if I want to... LOL!  Yup, that's right, I'm another year younger today so I'm taking the day off from blogging to enjoy a day with my friends and family.  I'll be back tomorrow to kick off Disney Week so stay tuned for a fun week full of Disney!!

This from my b-day party last year :D  I was surrounds by friends and family, I swear....LOL!!

Have a good one!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Dragonfly Card

Hi!  I've got a real quick post for you today of a Dragonfly card that I made for another friend of mine:

I used a premade card, specialty paper, cardstock, dragonfly stamp, ribbon, flowers and a button.  I did a little tearing and inked the edges.  Tearing and inking are some of my favorite techniques so I have a little on all my projects.

Well, gotta run!  I've got a busy schedule with my 22yr today, he's apartment shopping so I'm gonna go with him.  Hopefully we'll something nice that he can move into over the weekend.  Wish us luck!!
Have a Beautiful Day Friends!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

BEAUTIFUL Guadalupe State Park

Well, I haven't had a chance to finish any new projects this week because my DH has been out of town all week.  I really thought I'd have A LOT of time to play in my studio while he was gone, but NOPE that wasn't the case AT ALL.  This was the first time he had to go out of town and my youngest didn't take it very well.  He was really missing Daddy so I spent most of my time entertaining him.  Luckily Daddy comes home today so J was super excited this morning, he just can't wait to see his Daddy this afternoon.
I've started going through all my pics and started pulling out all of my Disney layouts for next week, (yay!).  While I was going through my photos, I found some beautiful pics of Guadalupe State Park that I'd like to share with you today.  This park is about 20 mins from our home and it is so beautiful.  These photos were taken during the fall on one of our Cub Scout camping trips (that I still need to scrap by the way, lol).

Well, Have a Wonderful Day & I hope you enjoyed the pics!  Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such sweet comments.  I really enjoy reading all of them :D 
Take Care!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Its your day!

I've got a card to share with you today that I made for a friend of mine.  I used a ready made card and added the patterned paper then stitched around the card.  Next, I cut the center tag with my Cricut and used some foam adhesive to add dimension.  The stamp I used for the sentiment is from Michaels, I think it was from their dollar bin.  I inked all of the edges and added the ribbon to finish it off.

Today I'm hoping to finish a 11x14 mixed media canvas that I started working on last night so I can share it with you tomorrow. 
Oh, I'm joining in on the Disney Week fun with Heather Lynn next week.  If you'd like to participate too, just clink the link to Heather's blog Random Recipes, Paper Crafts and Photos by HL for all the details.  The more the merrier right!!  So get ready for a week of adorable Disney layouts!!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Fireball

Yesterday turned out to be pretty interesting.  I was on the phone with my 22 yr old and I see this ball of FIRE shooting out of the sky!  My son says holy crap, I just saw something on fire fall out of the sky.  He was on the opposite side of town and saw it too.   How CRAZY is that!?  It turns out that April is known for fireballs falling from the sky, who knew!?  It was a really cool thing to see and I think is was pretty AWESOME that my son saw it too. 

This morning I had to run into town to get my youngest son's glasses fixed.  They've broken at least three other times this year but this time they finally replaced the frames.  I have to send some LOVE out to the Walmart Optometry staff out at 1604/281.  They don't open til 9:00 am and it was only 8:15 am but the lady helped me anyway.  In less that 10 minutes, I was walking out the door with my son's new glasses.  So, THANK YOU so much for taking care of me this morning!!!  I really appreciate you helping me even though you were closed! :D

Now, I just got back home from dropping off my son's new glasses and realized that I have to be back at the school at 11:00 am for his Honor Roll award ceremony.  Hopefully I'll still have time to meet my 22yr old in town today for some lunch.  We'll see.............

Ok, now to some art :D This is a page from my art journal.  I painted the blue background and stamped the dots and numbers on.  I was inspired to add the birdhouse from a Pottery Barn add I saw so I drew that in and added scrap paper.  The heart is cut out from the DCWV Ciao Bella stack.  I added some glitter and rubon letters.  Have a wonderful day & thank you so much for all your lovely comments.  They really do make my day!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Capture the Magic of Disney

Hello friends, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was more stressful than relaxing but fortunately everything has been worked out so hopefully things will get back to normal soon.  I really thought I was gonna have to take a break from art but thank GOD I don't have to.  Anyway, today I'm doing a quick post because I have to get out and run some errands.  This is a layout from our trip to Disney:

I used my Cricut for the title and to cut the circles for my journaling.   I love journaling with my white pen :D
Well, have a wonderful day & thanks to everyone who stopped by over the weekend.  I enjoyed reading all your comments, I'm hoping to have some down time this evening to catch up on all my blog reading.

Take Care!!

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